07 November 2012

A Prayer for Returning Soldiers

As a departure from what I've been blogging about, and an embrace of my actual blog title, I'd like to offer the world a prayer for returning Soldiers.  Don't worry, I've not stopped reading, but ministry opportunities can pop up when you least expect them.  Case in point: my unit is finally coming home from a year long deployment and I've been asked to offer the Invocation for the return ceremony.  Interestingly, if you google "prayer for returning soldiers" you don't get very many hits that are useful in a liturgical or ceremonial setting.

So without further adieu, I would like to share my Prayer for Returning Soldiers:

Gracious God,
who promised to never leave your people’s side,
we give you thanks that the Soldiers of the 980th
            have made it home safely.
Bless our Soldiers’ reunions with their families and friends;
            help them reconnect and experience joy at being back together,
                        and happiness in simply being home.
We pray that the transition back to civilian life,
            the shift from combat environments to the peaceful environments of home
                        will be smooth.
Most importantly, we pray for your grace in this transition;
            grace that transcends mental, emotional, and physical wounds;
            grace that heals and makes one whole.
We pray for our spouses and families to be patient and understanding.
            Help us all with the enormous emotional adjustment of changing worlds
            and smooth the transition back into family life after having missed
                        a whole chapter of the story.
And in the days ahead, as we move from lessons learned in war to managing
            the reintegration of our Soldiers;
            we ask that you, O God,
                        be with us, guide us, refresh us,
                        equip us to be ready, well, and spiritually whole.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.  Amen.

If you find it useful, by all means use it.  I could care less about copyright and the like.  My only request is that if you use it, make it your own.  Pray it and truly mean it.  

Grace and peace,
UM Chaplain

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